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15 Surprising Benefits of Using Sex Toys

15 Surprising Benefits of Using Sex Toys

By Dr Claire Giuliano

Does the thought of sex toys make you blush? For many years, for many people, it's been a bashful topic, but thankfully the topic is being normalized. Everyone deserves pleasure, and Pepper is here to help you maximize your intimacy with yourself or a partner. With the variety of sex toys on the market, there is something for everyone. 

There are benefits of sex toys that go far beyond sexual pleasure. The list below will surely persuade you to either start using sex toys or add a few to your collection. If you are new to the world of sex toys, know that it is becoming increasingly popular to have one in your bedside drawer. And for good reason! More than half of men and women between the ages of 18-65 own a vibrator. So, let's dive into 15 surprising benefits of sex toys that will have you reaching for that helping hand.

1. Improve your sex life. 

I know this is obvious to many people, but for those of you in the back let it be known that you have a big potential to elevate your intimacy and drive in the bedroom by using sex toys. Indulging in your favorite vibrator can increase endorphins and give you the opportunity to feel good every day in new and exciting ways. With a sex toy, you are in complete control of your pleasure which can be super empowering. 

2. When you want pleasure but don’t want to give back in return. 

Being self-indulgent is an act of self-care. If you are seeking pleasure but also feeling introverted, cue the sex toys. You don’t need to engage with anyone else except yourself. Spice up your alone time with The Deia or La Wand Grand Bullet.

3. Gain confidence with solo sex before getting intimate with a new partner.

This is for those who feel nervous about being with a partner for the first time. Alternatively, if you simply want to deepen intimacy with your partner and practice beforehand, sex toys are the perfect solution.

4. Recover faster from scar tissue postpartum. 

Using sex toys can actually help you recover from scar tissue postpartum. Before you try this though, it is important to consult with a pelvic floor therapist. Sex toy use should not start until 6 weeks postpartum. Scar tissue, regardless of your tearing grade if you delivered vaginally, will be remolded up to 1 year after delivery. Your pelvic therapist might recommend dilators first, but vibrators or dildos are other great options to help stretch the tissue, lengthen stiff scar tissue, and provide pleasure at the same time.

5. Increase blood flow. 

Good circulation in the body is key for helping organs maintain optimal function and longevity. The pelvic floor is a frequently underappreciated part of the body. Studies have shown that sex toy use helps keep these muscles healthy and robust, which can help your sex life thrive down the road in your older years.

6. Improve sleep. 

A fascinating study from Australia showed that the majority of men and women in the adult population had better sleep quality after sex. The best part about the study is that this included sex with NO partner, and those individuals still had better sleep outcomes. If you’re feeling restless at night and want to shut off your racing mind, don’t wait any longer to start using your trustee sex toy.

7. Improve sensation. 

If tissues receive more input and circulation, nerve pathways will strengthen. Like any system in the body, you must use it or lose it. Studies have shown that focal sensation can improve body awareness and reduce pain. Using a sex toy once a week can keep things healthy and firing optimally down there.

8. Increase libido.

If this doesn’t seem obvious from the listed benefits thus far, you now have a clear reason to improve your sex drive if you are looking for more desire between the sheets. If you are feeling uninspired or lacking creativity in your sex life, adding in sex toys can help fuel the fire and turn things on in a new way.

9. Improve connection with your partner. 

Sex toys can revive a stale relationship if things are feeling dry. As mentioned above, when creativity is lacking and you feel like spicing things up, there is truly no better tool than a sex toy. Pepper has so many options for vaginal or anal play, which offers different sensory inputs. Communicate with your partner what you each want during sex to find the best fit.

10. Find a new way to orgasm. 

Have you tried a couples ring before? This is a unique type of vibrator that is worn on the shaft of the penis and stimulates the receiver. But there’s much more to peruse than just the couples ring… check out the wide variety of toys at Pepper and choose what speaks most to you.

11. Lower your risk of disease.

Recent research has shown that using sex toys can decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men and lower the risk of a heart attack in women. Consult with your doctor first about precautions if you have thinning tissue from chemotherapy or a pacemaker in your heart, using a vibrating sex toy may not be optimal.

12. Combat vaginal atrophy. 

Women 52+ are prone to lichen sclerosis and vaginal atrophy, and the rate increases during the aging process. Estrogen also decreases during menopause. All of these variables that come with age reduce tissue lubrication and can render tissue to shorten or atrophy. Using a sex toy to engage in regular penetration can help get ahead of these potential symptoms and keep tissue healthy.

13. Burn calories. 

Don’t want to hit the gym? Using sex toys is known to get your heart rate up and burn calories. However, you shouldn’t regularly replace standard cardio workouts with sex toys. What you should do is practice both.

14. Learn about your body. 

There is no relationship that is more important than the one with yourself. You can learn what suits you best with sex by using sex toys. Then when you engage with a partner you will better be able to relay your desires, which can strengthen your sex life together.

15. There is something for everyone. 

If you thought you had trouble choosing a good cab from the wine aisle, wait until you see the selection at Pepper. And you don’t have to restrict yourself to just one sex toy. Variety is the spice of life, and each toy may bring a different style of pleasure. 

Those are just 15 of the amazing benefits of sex toys. Sex toys are so much more than just pleasure. And if you were feeling skeptical, you have now read that the myriad of benefits are backed by science. With current-day technology, the selection on the market suits every individual's needs. The best part is you don’t have to wait for a partner to try using sex toys – you can use them when you are in the mood, for stress relief after a long work day, or simply for the health benefits. If you still have questions, head to our online connection concierge and chat to an expert today!

Claire is a pelvic floor therapist with a distinct specialty certification in pelvic rehabilitation (PRPC). She is the private clinic owner of Rooted Pelvic Health & Hand Therapy in Sun Valley, Idaho. She treats all gender diversities for pelvic floor related conditions including sexual dysfunction, gynecological cancer recovery, and chronic pelvic pain. Claire's mission is to improve overall function and quality of life with lasting results for her clients. As a contributing writer to Pepper Together, Claire seeks to provide education about a subject that deserves more attention. She hopes that by spreading the word about pelvic floor conditions she can break the stigma about conversations around sex, and provide simple solutions to improve sexual intimacy.

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